When Should You Make Your Child’s First Dentist Appointment?

when should you make your child's first dentist appointment

Since good oral health contributes to good overall health, regular dental visits are essential.

Even infants should see a pediatric dentist in Millwoods by the time their first tooth sprouts, or at the latest, by their first birthday. As a parent, you want to make sure that your child visits the dentist before any oral health issues develop. The dentist can identify any problems before they worsen and help create a cavity prevention strategy by performing a biannual dental exam every six months.

Reasons To Take Your Child To Dental Exams

  • Baby Teeth Are Important

It might be easy to forget how significant baby teeth are when they are the first to fall out. The condition of your child’s baby teeth, though, could affect how their dental health develops in the future.

It will also help make room in their mouths for permanent teeth. Early on, your child will learn how to chew properly thanks to healthy baby teeth. This supports general health promotion and proper nutrition.

Early dental examinations prepare children for later examinations by helping them feel at ease. With us, you can provide your child with dental exams without worrying about them! Establish a timetable for routine examinations to monitor your child’s dental health.

  • Need Professional Cleaning

Your child’s teeth will need professional cleaning just like you. A pediatric dentist near you advises scheduling a professional cleaning for your child at least once every six months.

Baby teeth have difficult-to-reach areas where plaque can build up along the gumline. Your child will be able to get rid of hard-to-remove tartar and plaque if you provide them with access to frequent cleaning. Even the best home regimen may occasionally require expert help.

You can monitor changes in your child’s mouth with the help of a reliable dental practitioner. You can obtain comprehensive dental records and X-rays with regular cleanings. Cleaning your home frequently is essential if you have a growing child.

  • Prone to Tooth Decay

Your child’s baby teeth are vulnerable to tooth decay. Your kid may experience tooth decay, just like they would with a permanent set.

The standard of dental care received at home is one of the key causes of poor oral health. Dental professionals advise bringing your child in for checks at least twice a year. This aids in ensuring healthy tooth development in your child.

Also, your dentist will assist you and your child in acquiring the ideal hygiene habits. Moreover, it keeps cavities from forming or from getting worse.

Tips For Baby’s First Dental Visit

  • Be Positive

Parents may transmit their dental phobias to their children. Hence, even if you don’t like going to the dentist, try not to let it show in front of your child. Don’t talk about any unpleasant experiences you may have or upcoming treatments. Take a deep breath, maintain an upbeat attitude, and do your best to appear pleased when you go with your child to their appointments.

  • First Dental Visit Update

Sometimes children’s imaginations might go wild and in a negative way when they don’t know what to expect. We advise parents not to notify their children about their first dental appointment too far in advance because of this. That may cause a great deal of anxiety. It’s also not a good idea to fully surprise them by showing up at the dentist without any prior notice. The best course of action is to inform them of the visit the morning before the appointment. Inform children that a friendly dental professional will be counting their teeth and demonstrating how to maintain a strong and healthy smile. Answer their queries, but don’t go too specific, and refrain from using words like “drill,” “pain,” “shot,” or “needle.”

Visit Our Dentist In Millwoods

You can give your child confidence and get them ready to sit in the dentist’s chair by utilizing these suggestions to get them ready for their foremost dental appointment. Please contact a dentist near you if you think your kid needs a little more motivation or if you have any questions; we’ll be pleased to provide you with more advice. Make an appointment with us at Dental Elements right away if it’s time to plan your child’s first dental checkup!