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Root Canal Therapy in Millwoods

Root Canal Therapy Near You

Root canal treatment or endodontic treatment is a common dental procedure, in which a diseased or damaged pulp (the tooth’s nerve) is removed. During this procedure, your dentist in Millwoods will remove the damaged pulp to save your tooth from infection and possible extraction. The pulp of the tooth is comprised of soft tissue, nerves and the blood supply. Once the pulp is removed, your dentist will clean and seal the inside of the tooth (the root canal).

Signs and Symptoms

Patients may experience one or more of the following symptoms, indicating the need for root canal treatment in Millwoods:

  • Intense tooth pain when you chew or apply pressure to your tooth
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures for a continuous period
  • Tooth discolouration
  • Swelling and tenderness
  • Persistent swelling or tenderness in your gums
  • Persistent pain
  • A pimple or lump on your gums
root canal therapy in edmonton near millwoods

Receiving Root Canal Therapy in Millwoods: The Process

If you’re interested in receiving root canal treatment near you, a consultation is required before the procedure is conducted. During this appointment, an examination is conducted along with X-rays to determine treatment and whether the treatment can be completed here or if a referral to an endodontist (root canal specialist) is required.

Once it is established that root canal therapy is required here, local anesthesia is used to numb the area near the tooth. A rubber dam is then placed around the tooth to isolate the area and keep it dry. Next, your dentist will create an access hole in the top of the tooth to clean out the pulp, bacteria and debris. Several appointments may be required to complete this process.

After your tooth has been cleaned, the dentist will seal it by placing a temporary or permanent filling. The final step of this procedure will involve the placement of a crown to protect the treated tooth, restore its functionality and prevent it from any harm in the future.

Looking for root canal therapy near you in Millwoods? To learn more about receiving root canal treatment in Millwoods, schedule a consultation with our dentist near you today! We offer root canal to save your tooth from further decay and extractions.

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