Unlocking the Secrets to Rapid Healing Post Root Canal Treatment

unlocking the secrets to rapid healing post root canal treatment

Root canal therapy can be daunting and dangerous. If your dentist in Millwoods recommends root canal therapy, you can rest easy knowing that this surgery is not only very safe but essential for treating an unhealthy smile.

This treatment is necessary to save a tooth with significant decay or infection. It is performed when the pulp, which contains fragile nerves, connective tissues, and critical blood arteries, becomes infected or damaged. A root canal involves extracting this mass, cleaning, and sealing the site to prevent further infection; often a dental crown is placed over top of the tooth to ensure that this occurs.

Noted below are five valuable pieces of information you should know about endodontic therapy and the healing period that follows:

1. Understand That Healing is Important

Giving yourself time to recover after a root canal is essential. Doing so may decrease any post-treatment discomfort and sensitivity, and ensure prolonged dental health in the months that follow.

More specifically, a healthy oral cavity will also help the rest of your body remain in good condition. This is because all of our internal systems are highly interconnected, and if even one area is experiencing complications, it can lead to other health problems that impact your general wellness.

2. Promoting Oral Health for Faster Recovery

Make sure you listen to your dentist or oral surgeon’s post-operative instructions. This typically includes practicing good hygiene at home like brushing and flossing daily, taking any prescribed medications and contacting your dentist near you if you have any concerns.

3. Managing Pain and Discomfort After Root Canal Treatment

It is common to experience a certain level of discomfort. To address this, maintain an elevated head position using one or more pillows for several hours to reduce any swelling that occurs. Additionally, if you’ve been given anesthesia, depending on the strength of the medication, it may take a bit of time for the effects to wear off.

Lastly, if you need painkillers following a root canal treatment near you,, take them! After all, dentists recommend them for your benefit!

4. Follow Any Dietary Tips

Unless specifically advised otherwise, consuming a nourishing meal before undergoing surgery is recommended for optimal oral health.

It is strongly recommended that you allow a brief period to elapse following your treatment before indulging in any food consumption. When you regain your appetite, stick to foods that are smooth and simply to eat like mashed potatoes and ice cream. With that said, steer clear of snacks with a crunchy or spicy disposition.

Avoid smoking or alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours following the procedure. Dry mouth, a common consequence of the latter, can negatively interfere with the healing process.

5. Practice Lifestyle Habits that Support Healing

Root canal therapy in Millwoods makes the gums around the tooth susceptible to infection. Frequently rinsing your mouth with warm, somewhat salty water, helps prevent disease.

Avoid strenuous activities for 48 hours after your appointment; no running, hiking, contact sports, or heavy labor.

Looking to Learn More? You’re Encouraged to Contact Our Community Dental Practice Today

If you have heavy bleeding, intense pain, fever, persistent or rising swelling, or reactions to medication upon receiving endodontic treatment, visit our dentist right away. However, do keep in mind that root canals therapy has a 95% success rate and should solve your tooth infection permanently. Adverse side effects are typically very rare.

At Dental Elements, our team is here to guide you throughout the entire length of your appointment including providing instructions for a successful healing period after your tooth’s been treated. You can call, send an email, or drop by our building to speak to a member of our team. We anticipate your visit very much!