Top 10 Dental Care Tips by Your Dentist in Millwoods

top 10 dental care tips by your dentist in millwoods

Listen, whether you have never had a cavity before, or have had multiple, it is never too late to improve your oral hygiene routine. After all, your oral health is a window into your overall health. Your mouth can exhibit signs of nutritional deficiencies or general infection. So before you decide to skip out on flossing or chow down on your favourite chocolate bar, you may want to rethink your consequences first.

But here is the good news…you have the power to boost your oral health and overall health. The following are ten top tips from your dentist in Millwoods:

1. Take care of your toothbrush

You use your toothbrush multiple times a day, which means this essential tool should be cared for properly. Don’t worry… this doesn’t mean your toothbrush requires special cleaning, but it does require you to be a little more attentive. Just be sure your toothbrush dries after each use. Store it upright and expose it to air, and don’t forget to rinse it off so there is no residual toothpaste on its bristles.

2. Flossing is just as important as brushing

Yes, that’s right… the importance of flossing was emphasized to you for good reason. When you visit your dental clinic in Millwoods, your hygienist can tell if you’ve been flossing! So if you’re wondering how flossing contributes to your oral health, the answer is rather simple. Flossing removes plaque between your teeth that your toothbrush can’t reach on its own. If plaque remains in these hard-to-reach areas, you could develop gum disease which is linked to cardiovascular problems and Alzheimer’s. So save yourself from the risk and floss regularly.

3. Maintain a healthy diet

Healthy eating is not only critical for your overall health, but your diet also affects your teeth and gums. Firstly, healthy foods, such as fruit, vegetables, milk, and cheese contain vitamins and minerals. Also, eating fruits and vegetables that are crunchy and have a high water content can increase saliva production. Saliva cleans your mouth and rinses away food particles and bacteria naturally.

4. Use fluoridated toothpaste

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that helps strengthen your teeth and reverse early signs of tooth decay. Many dental products contain fluoride due to its wonderful properties. So be sure to check if the toothpaste you’re using is fluoridated.

5. Stay hydrated

There are plenty of health benefits when it comes to drinking a sufficient amount of water. One of the many benefits is that water promotes saliva production and as you already read, salvia washes out your mouth and reduces bacteria and food particles.

6. Limit your sugar intake

This probably won’t come as a surprise, but sugar contributes to tooth decay and cavity formation. How? Simply put, when you eat sugar, the bacteria in your mouth feed off it and produce harmful acids that dissolve and damage the teeth. So not only will limiting your consumption of sugary foods and beverages benefit your waistline it will also benefit your teeth.

7. Brush twice daily

I am sure you won’t be surprised by this tip either, but brushing twice daily is necessary. Brushing removes lingering food particles and bacteria. It also prevents you from developing cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease.

8. Visit your dental office in Millwoods twice a year

Regular dental cleanings and exams help preserve your oral health. During a dental check-up, your dentist can identify signs of tooth decay and other oral issues before they worsen. Professional dental cleanings will remove plaque and polish your teeth for a beautiful and healthy smile.

9. Don’t forget your tongue

Ever noticed your tongue has a white or yellow film on it? You could be forgetting to brush it once you’re done cleaning your teeth. Simply glide the toothbrush over your tongue or use a tongue scraper to remove bacteria and freshen your breath.

10. Don’t chew on hard items

Avoid chewing on hard candies, ice, and foods that can damage your teeth. This may go without saying, but also try to avoid damaging habits like chewing on your fingernails, pencils, and pens.