The Best and Worst Foods For Children’s Teeth

the best and worst foods for childrens teeth

When the topic of dental hygiene comes up in conversation, many people believe that maintaining good oral hygiene means brushing and flossing regularly. However, the foods that your child eats largely contribute to their teeth’s development and the protection of their tooth enamel. The next time you prepare your child’s lunch or stalk up on some snacks at the grocery store, you will want to consider how these foods affect the development of their teeth.

Foods That Can Harm Your Child’s Dental Health

Often times, parents overlook the importance of baby teeth given that they are not permanent. The issue here is that, when the baby teeth become damaged or corroded, it will affect the proper development of adult teeth as they begin to come in. Continue reading to learn which foods negatively impact your child’s tooth development and how they affect it. We will also discuss the best food options for optimal oral health. It is important to note that your child should visit their pediatric dentist in Millwoods every six months. Regular appointments will ensure issues do not go unnoticed and can be treated early-on before they advance.

Chips, Bread, and Pasta

It may come as more of a shock to parents that starches like bread, potato chips, and pasta can be attributed to dental decay. These starches are called simple carbohydrates. They are made from white flour and break down into simple sugars when you consume them. Ultimately, this can lead to deterioration of the enamel.

Citrus Fruit

I know what you are thinking, “Fruit is bad for my child’s health?” But before you cut this out of your child’s diet, just keep reading. Virtually all fruits are excellent for the physiological aspects of a child’s diet. However, fruits that are highly acidic like grapefruit and lemons can contribute to erosion. If your child consumes these fruits regularly, ensure that they are brushing their teeth immediately afterwards.

Chewy Candies

It comes as no surprise that children love sugary candy… and adults. We cannot deny that candy is delicious, but we can certainly confirm that it can be a danger to your child’s teeth. As parents, it is vital to monitor your child’s intake of sugary candy. Sugar is the culprit behind degrading enamel and cavities. If your child does consume sugary candies, just make sure it is not regular. Reserve candy and other sugary treats for special occasions. Also, remember that hard candy is just as harmful to your child’s teeth as it slowly dissolves in their mouth and produces harmful acids that bacteria can feed off of.

Sugary Beverages

Sugary drinks like pop, juice, and Gatorade, are detrimental to your child’s oral health. They are just as harmful to adult teeth. Your pediatric dentist in Millwoods will highly recommend not purchasing these drinks for your child. Water, on the other hand, is always a healthy choice. Not only will it keep your child hydrated, but it can help wash away food particles in their mouth for fresher breath.

Foods That Are Healthy for Your Child’s Dental Health

Now, it is time to list some healthy food options that provide minerals to strengthen your child’s teeth.

Milk, Cheese, and Yogurt

Not only is dairy rich in calcium and protein, it contains phosphorus and casein which neutralize acids in your mouth.


Some children are not that keen on vegetables, but just know they contain important vitamins to protect the enamel. Additionally, vegetables such as celery have fibrous strands which act like nature’s toothbrush, scrubbing away as your child chews.

Fresh Fruit

Strawberries and apples are excellent options; they help you produce saliva to wash away bacteria in your mouth.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and seeds are a healthy alternative to potato chips and can help to strengthen tooth enamel. They also contain phosphorus and are effective at replenishing lost minerals that strengthen your tooth enamel.

Schedule an Appointment at a Dental Clinic in Millwoods

If you have not already scheduled your child’s biannual dental appointment with a dentist near you, be sure to do so.  It is not too early to plan ahead of time; many parents find themselves waiting to schedule an appointment during the holiday’s when the availability is limited. Contact your child’s dentist in Millwoods today and help pave the way to good oral health for many years to come.