Replace Your Missing Teeth with Dental Implants

replace your missing teeth with dental implants

As we age, we become more prone to tooth loss. Not only is this situation very unpleasant, but it also has consequences that affect everyday activities in life such as eating and speaking, as well as our appearance. Therefore, it is vital to look for tooth replacement options. This task can be quite overwhelming since there are many available options. However, acquiring dental implants in Millwoods is the best way to replace your missing teeth and in this article, you will learn why.

What happens after you lose a tooth?

Your teeth are held in place by your gums, jawbone, and other structures like the periodontal ligament. As soon as you lose a tooth, all of these structures start to deteriorate. Your gums shrink and your jawbone degenerates. The deterioration of the jawbone ultimately leads to a receding jaw. All of these changes, along with the loss of support to your facial muscles make you look significantly older. Furthermore, missing teeth make it very difficult to eat and chew food. For this reason, people who have lost teeth normally limit their diets to soft foods that are easy to digest. By doing this, they can develop nutritional deficiencies due to inadequate macronutrient intake.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are the most advanced type of tooth replacement. Unlike other options like dentures or dental bridges, they don’t just replace the visible part of your tooth (the crown), but they also replace the root. This is greatly beneficial since by replacing the tooth’s root, you will continue to stimulate the jawbone leading to bone growth and preventing your jaw from receding. Also, they are incredibly stable and durable.

How can you acquire dental implants?

The process of acquiring dental implants is long but worth it. The first step is to visit a dentist in Millwoods who will perform a thorough examination of your oral cavity, taking a good look at your remaining teeth and the condition of your gums. After making sure that you are a good candidate for dental implants, they will make an incision in your gums and insert the implant body. This part of the implant looks like a screw and is made of titanium.

After this initial visit, your gums will need a couple of months to heal completely before a dentist near you can attach the two remaining parts of the implant. During this time, the implant body will blend into the jawbone in a process called osseointegration. This means that the bone will grow around the implant and make it stable.

Once this is achieved, your dentist will make another incision in your gum and attach the abutment. Approximately 2 weeks later, once the gums have healed, the porcelain crown can be attached and at this point, you will be able to continue with your normal life.

Benefits of dental implants

There are many benefits to dental implants, starting with how they can improve your appearance. Filling the gaps between your teeth will make you more confident and you will be able to smile without feeling self-conscious. On the other hand, they make biting and chewing food much easier. Also, this type of tooth replacement allows you to eat more varieties of foods than any other, without the fear that they will come out of place or become damaged.

Finally, dental implants are very durable and can last a lifetime. They don’t require any special care as dentures do. Your normal oral health habits are enough to keep them in good condition. This includes daily brushing and flossing. While they are resistant to tooth decay, you should always maintain regular dental checkups since gum disease can significantly decrease their lifespan.