How To Preserve Your Newly Whitened Teeth

how to preserve your newly whitened teeth

Sure, you can spend your hard-earned money and time on over-the-counter and DIY teeth-whitening options at grocery stores and pharmacies. You may eventually and gradually even see some whitening effects and results! If you want whiter teeth quickly, safely and comfortably — and in a way that targets the specific stains on your specific teeth — make an appointment with a dentist in Millwoods. Your dentist will use powerful bleaching agents quickly and safely to whiten your teeth by six or eight shades in just a single 60- to 90-minute appointment. Once you see your newly whitened teeth, you’ll want to keep them that way for as long as possible. Here’s what you need to know to achieve that goal.

What not to do after having your teeth whitened

To avoid losing the benefits of having undergone teeth whitening in Millwoods almost immediately, here are a few things to avoid doing especially during the first 24-hour period after undergoing whitening at a dentist near you.

  • Drinking dark beverages will stain your teeth. Avoid beverages like tea, coffee, coloured fruit juices, coloured drinks and red wine. When you do drink any of those beverages, be sure to brush your teeth and use mouthwash right away to prevent staining
  • Eating richly coloured foods will stain your teeth — especially foods with certain ingredients. If the food you’re eating is likely to stain your clothes, it’s probably going to stain your teeth, too. Here are some specific foods to avoid: tomato-based sauces; soy-based sauces; curries; chocolate; and fruit (especially pomegranates and dark berries like blueberries). As we’ve said once already but it is worth repeating, be sure to brush your teeth and use mouthwash right away if you do indulge in some of these foods
  • One of the behaviour culprits when it comes to staining your teeth is smoking. The pores in the enamel of your teeth easily absorb the tar and nicotine (a colourless substance that turns yellow when combined with oxygen) produced by smoking. To protect your newly whitened teeth, refrain from smoking for at least 24 hours after getting your teeth whitened. Ideally, though, you should quit smoking altogether for the sake of your health (and the colour of your teeth)
  • When you’re choosing products for brushing your teeth and using mouthwash, skip the highly coloured products. Use clear or white products, instead

What to do after having your teeth whitened

To maintain your newly whitened teeth for as long as possible, follow these three tips:

  • Instead of eating and drinking foods and drinks containing dyes and dark colours, focus on eating light coloured foods and beverages such as rice, bread, lemonade, sparkling water, bananas, chicken and similar foods
  • After having your teeth whitened, you may find that your teeth are temporarily more sensitive than usual (or newly sensitive). During this temporary period of increased tooth sensitivity, use toothpaste designed specifically for sensitive teeth and be sure to brush your teeth gently with a soft toothbrush
  • Speaking of brushing your teeth, be sure to brush them at least twice daily (and ideally after every time you eat)while also flossing daily and using a mouthwash containing fluoride after meals

Teeth whitening by your dentist in Millwoods is the most accessible cosmetic dentistry option available, and one that can dramatically transform the appearance of your teeth, smile and face. For many people, the health and colour of your teeth is one of the first things they notice. What do you want people to notice? Stained and yellowed teeth? Or clean and healthy pearly whites? To find out more about the best options for obtaining teeth whitening near you, make an appointment with a dentist in Millwoods.