How Do You Make Botox Last Longer?

how do you make botox last longer

Many individuals think of Botox as a way to improve their appearance and minimize signs of aging. However, Botox can also be used to help with a variety of medical and dental health conditions. At Dental Elements, we offer cosmetic botox in Millwoods to provide patients with a nicer look and help alleviate painful symptoms in patients who suffer from teeth clenching and grinding, temporomandibular disorder, migraines, and more.

How Does Botox Help?

Botox can relieve painful symptoms caused by tense jaw muscles by making these muscles unable to engage in the unconscious movement of the jaw that leads to headaches and pain. When correctly administered, Botox is a great tool to relax muscles and prevent painful symptoms and signs of aging due to consistent clenching and grinding. Botox can also contribute to a slimmer-looking jaw, which is an added bonus.

How Long Does Botox Last?

Typically, Botox injections will need to be re-done once every 4-6 months to maintain a desirable look and keep up results. Botox works by paralyzing the nerve endings in your face and disrupting the signals between your nerves and facial muscles. When Botox “wears off,” it is because new nerve endings have grown in the place of the old ones. This means that the speed at which your body can reproduce nerve endings plays a large role in how often you will need to get your Botox topped up.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Botox Treatment

While you can’t make your Botox last that much longer than the 4-6 months it typically lasts, you make a couple of small lifestyle changes to help it be more effective:

  1. Aftercare: Make sure to follow all the instructions given to you by your dentist in Millwoods. This means avoiding strenuous activities such as exercise, as well as avoiding heated places such as saunas and hot yoga studios for the first 24 hours after your treatment.
  2. Hydration: You can boost the effects of Botox treatment by making sure that you drink plenty of water and avoid drinks that can cause dehydration, such as coffee and tea.
  3. Skincare: After receiving Botox, you should focus on using high-quality skincare products in the morning and evening. Using serums that have hyaluronic acid will help enhance the effects of your injections.
  4. Smoking: If you are a smoker, now would be a great time to quit! Smoking ages your skin and also shortens the positive effects of Botox.
  5. Diet: Try to avoid heavily processed foods that can lead to breakouts. Focus on maintaining a whole food diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Try to maintain your weight, as sudden weight loss can reduce the effectiveness of Botox.

Why Get Botox from a Dentist?

A big deciding factor in the success of your Botox treatment is the person who administers the injections. A dentist near you is uniquely qualified to administer Botox because their entire career is based on a knowledge and understanding of the facial muscles and structure.

Dentists also have a lot of experience with needles and will be able to administer Botox injections in the most painless way possible. You should always get Botox from a professional; otherwise, you may face undesirable side effects such as paralysis or facial drooping. A skilled dentist will administer Botox correctly and safely, so you won’t have to worry about potential negative side effects.

If you are interested in cosmetic Botox near you, please contact Dental Elements. Our team is happy to provide you with further information on this innovative treatment and get you the appearance and relief you deserve!