Create a Winning Smile With Professional Porcelain Veneers

create a winning smile with professional porcelain veneers

Just because you can do something yourself, should you? We think this is an important question that you should ask about dental work in particular. From teeth whitening to veneers, there are DIY cosmetic dentistry options out there on the market.

Companies marketing DIY dental veneers make big promises about transforming your smile. Dentists in Millwoods want you to know the truth about those DIY options, and the straight goods about professional porcelain veneers.

Do-it-yourself veneers are less expensive than permanent porcelain veneers that you can obtain from a dentist in Millwoods, we’ll give them that. Here’s what else you need to know about DIY veneers, though. They don’t look natural. They aren’t comfortable. They’re probably not porcelain. They are not permanent. And they’re not veneers. They’re more like dentures. You wear them during the day, but take them out at night so they can be cleaned. A dentist near you can provide a much more natural, comfortable, and long-lasting solution for transforming your smile.

What you need to know about porcelain veneers in Millwoods

Dental veneers are custom-made and very thin shells that cover the front surface of your teeth. The best veneers are made from porcelain because it is the most stain-resistant option that reflects light in a way very similar to your natural teeth. For people with otherwise healthy and strong teeth, they are an effective and natural-looking option that — with simple precautions and good oral care habits — can last for 15 years.

Veneers can solve a wide range of cosmetic dental issues, including discolouration and misshapen or chipped teeth. With veneers, you can alter the colour, shape, size, and length of one or more teeth. Even small changes to any one of those characteristics can have an enormous impact on your appearance and confidence.

Teeth whitening is a highly popular option for cosmetic dentistry, but bleaching compounds do not resolve all types of discolouration. For example, if your teeth have been discoloured by trauma or the side effects of medications, you know that many teeth whitening options simply won’t work. Porcelain veneers from a dentist in Millwoods are a solution for that type of discoloration.

The porcelain veneer process

The process of getting porcelain veneers in Millwoods usually takes two dental appointments. At the first appointment, your dentist will take measurements to prepare a custom-fit veneer. Working together with your dentist, you’ll choose the colour and shape of your veneers to match your existing teeth and your face, and to achieve your goals. To ensure the new veneers fit perfectly, naturally, and securely, the dentist will remove a very thin layer of enamel from your teeth. (Your dentist will provide you with temporary veneers while waiting for your second appointment, after taking an impression of your teeth.)

At the second appointment, the measurements and fit of your new custom veneers will be confirmed. Then, your new porcelain veneers will be bonded to your teeth. You’ll leave with a new smile.

How to care for porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers are designed and shaped to suit your face and visible natural teeth — just straighter, whiter, and shaped the way you want them. Caring for veneers is very similar to caring for the natural teeth in your mouth. Brush all your teeth twice a day. Floss once a day, at least. Visit your dentist for a regular examination and cleaning approximately every six months. Those regular habits will preserve the life of your veneers, and ensure good oral health.

Porcelain veneers from a dentist in Millwoods offer a natural and durable solution for a long list of cosmetic dental issues, along with the support of a professional dental clinic and its staff. Before settling for lesser DIY options, get in touch with a dentist near you to find out if porcelain veneers can help you achieve your personal goals.