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Oral Cancer Screenings in Millwoods

Oral Cancer Screenings near you

When we hear the word ‘cancer’, we often don’t associate it with our mouths. However, signs of cancer can appear in the mouth, and it is important to take proactive measures to preserve the health of your teeth, gums, and surrounding tissues. Cancer is a complex health issue that should be taken seriously. A good step to take is to schedule an oral cancer screening with a dentist near you to ensure that both your oral health and overall health are in good standing.

What is Oral Cancer Screening?

Everyone is at risk of developing cancer; however, some patients may be at higher risk compared to others, because of certain lifestyle factors or genetics. The use of tobacco, frequent and regular alcohol intake, excessive sun exposure, and previous history of oral cancer are reasons to have an oral cancer screening yearly.

If you’re interested in receiving oral cancer screenings in Millwoods, the process will start with your dentist checking your mouth for sores and patches that may be white or red. Early detection means an early cure. For this reason, it is important to visit the dentist for your annual check-up to ensure regular screening sessions. Your dentist will be able to tell whether something is unusual and requires further investigation.

oral cancer screenings in edmonton near millwoods

Why Receive an Oral Cancer Screening?

The main goal of this exam is to screen a person for signs or symptoms of cancer at its earliest stage. Precancerous lesions that pose risks to cancer development can be removed or treated. Receiving oral cancer screening near you may lead to further testing if any signs or symptoms are detected, which allows for a specialist to assess your condition and recommend treatment.

How Do You Prepare for an Oral Cancer Screening?

This procedure is not complicated despite what you may think. You do not need to undergo preparations for you to accomplish it. You can easily have an oral cancer screening by booking an appointment with your dentist near you in Millwoods. Take the time to invest in your health and visit your dentist today.

What to Expect

We provide oral cancer screenings near you to determine and identify mouth cancer at its earliest stage. Palpation and feeling for lumps and other abnormalities will be done too. There are other tests done to aid in getting the best results.

If the exam is done and your dentist sees anything unusual or abnormal, you may be asked to make a follow-up visit in a few weeks or you may be referred to a specialist. A biopsy procedure may be conducted which entails the removal of sample cells for in-depth laboratory testing. You will receive the results in a matter of a few weeks and a treatment plan will be developed thereafter by a specialist if the findings are cancerous.

If you have any questions about receiving oral cancer screenings near you, please contact us.

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